Brahmani Mata Mandir-Uvarsad
Uvarsad is a Locality in Gandhinagar, pincode 382422 and postal head office is Uvarsad. Gandhinagar, Kalol, Ahmedabad, Dehgam are the nearby Cities to Gandhinagar.
Brahmani Mata Mandir,
Uvarsad, Gujarat 382422
- How to reach Uvarsad:
- By Rail:
- Gandhinagar Capital Rail Way Station
- Adraj Moti RailWay Station
- By Road:
S.V.P. Airport to Uvarsad:Gandhinagar – Ahmedabad Rd & Koba-Adalaj Rd: 24 min (19.1 km)
Bus Stops in Uvarsad, Gandhinagar
- Amba Township Sector 5
Gujarat 382423: 3.1 KM - Amba Township Gate-1
Gujarat 382423: 3.6 KM - Vavol Bus Stop
Vavol: Gandhi nagar-382016:4.2 KM
- Amba Township Sector 5
- References :
- Photo: पीयूष सोलंकी
- Gujarat Tourist Guide
- web Search
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