Brahmani Mata Mandir-Thata:
Thata is a Village in Degana Tehsil in Nagaur District and located 106 KM from Nagaur, 32 KM from Degana Gaon and 159 K.M. from Jaipur. Harsore, Rid, Bherunda, Rajlota, Taparwara are the nearby Villages and Ajmer, Merta City, Makrana, Nasirabad are the near by Cities to Thata. Thata Pin code is 341515 and postal head office is Harsore.
Brahmani Mata Mandir,
Degana – Bherunda Road,
Thata, Rajasthan-341515
- How to reach Thata:
- By Road:
- Pilani- Degana – Bherunda Road, Thata: Jaipur – Jhunjhunu Bypass Rd/Loharu – Sikar Road:
- 5 h 16 min (265 k.m.)
- Pali- Degana – Bherunda Road, Thata: NH65A: 3 h 33 min (193 k.m.)
- This route has tolls.
- Bus Stops in Thata, Degana :
- Jawla Maharana Bus Stop
SH 59; Jawla- 341503: 10.8 KM - Taparwara Bus Statop
Parbatsar; Taparwara- 341503: 11.0 KM - Antroli Sanga Bus Stop
Antroli Sanga- 341503: 14.0 KM - Tandi Niwas Bus Stop
Rajasthan State Highway 60; Pundlota- 341503: 17.7 KM
- Jawla Maharana Bus Stop
- Web search
- Google Map
If you have any information or photographs related to Thata, Brahmani Mata or of any other temple on this website, kindly share with us. We will update the information and the credit will duly be given to you. The purpose of this site is to present all the information about Brahmani Mata Temple in India in one place to ease search and information for her devotees or Bhakts in India and abroad.