Brahmani Mata Mandir-Thata: Location: Thata is a Village in Degana Tehsil in Nagaur District and located 106 KM from Nagaur, 32 KM from Degana Gaon and 159 K.M. from Jaipur. Harsore, Rid, Bherunda, Rajlota, Taparwara…

Brahmani Mata Mandir-Thata: Location: Thata is a Village in Degana Tehsil in Nagaur District and located 106 KM from Nagaur, 32 KM from Degana Gaon and 159 K.M. from Jaipur. Harsore, Rid, Bherunda, Rajlota, Taparwara…
श्री ब्राह्मणी माता-थाटा थाटा, नागौर जिले की डेगाना तहसील का एक गाँव है और डेगाना से 32 कि.मी, नागौर से 106 कि.मी और जयपुर से 159 कि.मी. की दूरी पर हैं। हरसोर, रिद, भेरुंडा, राजलोटा,…