Brahmani Mata Mata-Sewari Location: Sewari is is one of the largest villages in Bali Tehsil in Pali District, amidst the Aravali Range. It is located 88 KM from District Pali, 5 KM from Bali and…

Brahmani Mata Mata-Sewari Location: Sewari is is one of the largest villages in Bali Tehsil in Pali District, amidst the Aravali Range. It is located 88 KM from District Pali, 5 KM from Bali and…
श्री ब्राह्मणी माता-सेवाड़ी सेवाड़ी का इतिहास: सेवाडी अरावली श्रृंखला के बीच पाली जिले के बाली तहसील के सबसे बड़े गांवों में से एक हैं। यह जिला पाली से 88 कि. मी., बाली से 5 कि.…