Brahamani Mata Mandir-Rajpur
Rajpur is a village 6 KM from Patan Taluka in 10 KM from Patan District and 97 KM from capital Gandhinagar. Chansama, Patan, Unjha, Sidhpur, Mahesana are the near by Cities to Rajpur. Rajpur Pin code is 384265 and postal head office is Patan. This temple is one of the most beautiful, oldest and famous of Shree Brahmani Mataji. It was renovated few years ago to enhance with various facilities.
Brahamani Mata Mandir,
Rajpur village,
Patan, Gujarat 384265
- How to reach Rajpur:
- By Rail:
- Patan Rail Way Station ,
- Sankhari Rail Way Station
- By Air:
- Mehsana Airport-Rajpur: 5 h 7 min (296 km) via NH27
- Palanpur Airport to Rajpur: 4 h 54 min (291 km) via NH27
- SVP Airport-Rajpur: 5 h 23 min (308 km) via NH947
- By Road:
Patan- rajpur 12 min (5.6 km) via GJ SH 7
Mehsana- Rajpur 1 h 2 min (47.3 km) via GJ SH 55
- Bus Stop in Rajpur, Patan:
- Mahemadpur Bus Stop
GJ SH 7; Mahemadpur- 384265: 2.4 KM - Khimiyana Bus Stop
GJ SH 7; Khimiyana- 384275: 4.5 KM - Vavdi Bus Stop
GJ SH 7; Mithivavdi- 384265: 5.4 KM - Patan Central Bus Station
Bhagwatinagar; Patan- 384265: 7.0 KM
- Mahemadpur Bus Stop
- google Map
- Web search
- Photo: Patel Krish
If you have any information or photographs related to Rajpur, Brahmani Mata or of any other temple on this website, kindly share with us. We will update the information and the credit will duly be given to you. The purpose of this site is to present all the information about Brahamani Mata Temple in India in one place to ease search and information for her devotees or Bhakts in India and abroad.