Brahmani Mata Mandir-Dahegam This sacred temple of Brahmani Mata is located in Dahegam town of Gandhinagar. Brahmani Mata is also known as a compassionate Brahmi or Brahmani Devi. He is one of the sapt Matrukas.…

Brahmani Mata Mandir-Dahegam This sacred temple of Brahmani Mata is located in Dahegam town of Gandhinagar. Brahmani Mata is also known as a compassionate Brahmi or Brahmani Devi. He is one of the sapt Matrukas.…
श्री ब्राह्मणी माता मंदिर-दहेगाम ब्राह्मणी माता का यह पवित्र मंदिर भारत के गुजरात के जिला गांधीनगर के दहेगाम शहर में स्थित हैं। ब्राह्मणी माता को एक दयालु ब्राह्मी या ब्रह्ममयी देवी के नाम से भी…