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Pallu Wali Mata is the temple of Brahmani Devi a goddess Saraswati and Kuldevi for many Hindu families across India. Her devotees visit the temple in large numbers to pay their obeisance to her. The temple has grown in size and popularity over the last 15 to 20 years due to better access by road. It is at the time of festivals like the Dasshera and Navratri when there is a large crowd gathered at the temple and it can take hours to get her darshan. Her following is growing by the day and with better connectivity this is likely to grow further in years to come.
Travel To Pallu
Bramhani Mata Pallu Temple
Pallu Wali Mata is the temple of Brahmani Devi
a goddess Saraswati and Kuldevi for many
Hindu families across India.
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